September 6, 2009

Reading in the subway

Today's NewYork Times has an article about "Reading in the subway". That's something that I love, it is part of being a NewYorker. Use that time away from phones, internet, work, home, ... to just read.

My 2 cents to the article would be correcting the underlying assumption that there are no more kindles because there is no internet connection. That's ridiculous. One of the beauties of the Kindle is that you don't need internet to use it. I read all my books on it and love it.

Anyway, here you have the article: New York Times - Reading in the subway

BTW, my favorite quote "I'm a New York, I can do anything in the subway". Spot on

1 comment:

Zorro de Segovia said...

el metro será este invierno el más peligroso vector de la gripe A. Cómprate unas botas y ve andando a la oficina, ...

Y ya me jode. A mí me encanta leer en el metro o en el tren. Me gusta levantar la vista del texto un momento y mirar a las caras de los viajeros. Es curioso. Si les miras unos segundos algún sexto o séptimo sentido se lo advierte y miran hacia a ti. ¡Qué cosas!