April 27, 2008

Taxi fact pack and other things

I call TFP (Taxi Fact Pack) to the set of data that the first taxi driver tells you when you get into a new country. On Singapore I've got:
  • Cleanest city in the world
  • 0.05% unemployment rate
  • 2.5 Million citizens (~70% Chinese, ~20 Malaysian, ~10% Indies & other)
  • The city has pieces of New York (the skyline), London (the Eye), Las Vegas (they are building two amazing casinos)
  • The harbor can move thousands of cargoes per hour competing with Hong Kong to become the biggest harbor on this part of the world
Cab drivers and shoe shiners are probably the two professions with more access to what people thinks. They deal with dozens of clients every day, and given the loneliness of their profession they tend to spend a lot of time listening. Great sources of information!

1 comment:

Zorro de Segovia said...

Curioso dato el de los limpiabotas. Quizá aquí deberíamos abandonar las macroencuestas electorales y dedicarnos a gente como taxistas o tenderos, quienes evidentemente pueden testar la calle con un espectro muy amplio de opiniones. Buena observación. Pásalo bien, zorro asiático.